10 Rights of Medication Administration
Freedom of religion speech press assembly and petition. Decrease the riRight patient 6. 5 6 8 10 Rights Of Medication Administration Nursecepts Medication Administration Nursing Students Nursing Notes Right to refuse 9. . Before administering any medication 3. Right Route Documentation 5. Beware of look-alike and sound-alike medication names. 10 RIGHTS FOR DRUG ADMINSTRATION 4. Compare medication order to identification bracelet and patients stated name and birth date. Confirm the rationale for the ordered medication. Right Dose Education 3. 1 Check for allergies ask patient and look at the red allergy band on their wrist. To avoid drug error the drug label should be ready 3x. These look-alike medication names may also sound alike and can lead to errors associated with verbal. 10 rights of medication administration. Terms in this set 10 Right medication. Give special atten...